Monday, June 20, 2011

Papillion Days!

I must admit for my first Papillion days ever, it was so much fun! I had a wonderful time this past weekend. The amazing women at the Town and Country Humane Society spent Saturday morning at the studio. We had one successful adoption and hopefully many more to come by raising awareness about Town and Country's no kill shelter. The kids enjoyed my mama's homemade cookies and of course lots of puppy love!

Mayor David Black

Papillion Days Parade 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Fearsome Four!

As a mother of one child...I most certainly have some challenging days. But as a mother and father of 2 rambunctious twin boys Kristen and Trent still stun me on how they manage to keep up with those two! Devin and Alek are two cuties that most certainly keep their parents on their toes. I enjoyed capturing this beautiful family and watching the boys play at the park, each with their very own personality!