Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Looking at Madison's senior pictures...you would never guess that just 7 months ago this beautiful 17 year old girl was hospitalized for 40 days. Madison was in a horrible car accident which left doctors wondering if she would ever walk again. As a senior in high school I can't imagine the thoughts that went through this track star's mind...scholarships, prom, visits to potential colleges. But that didn't stop her. After months of rehab, Madison was able to participate in track this spring and came close to breaking her personal record.

When her mama came to the studio asking about a senior session I was delighted to inform her of May's studio special. I didn't realize that Madison is the class of 2011. Either way it wouldn't have mattered but after hearing Madison's story my heart ached a little to relive the moments when my own baby sister was in a horrible car accident that put her in a wheel chair for a whole summer. I could see the pride in her mother's eyes as they teared up and knew I needed to do this not only for Madison but her whole family. It took some juggling but we managed to pull off the session and prints will be here before her big graduation party this coming Sunday!

Congratulations Madison! I wish you the best of luck with all your endeavors!

Heaven knows with your determination ... you can do anything ;)

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